Three Myths About Divorce

For as much lore that surrounds holy matrimony as there is, there’s even more skulking about divorce. Divorce can be a long, ugly battle, and many people have a friend of a friend with their own horror story. However, divorce isn’t always as insufferable as it’s made out to be, nor are all the claims made about it true. Today, we’re here to set the record straight on three of California’s top divorce myths.

If you’re thinking about getting a divorce, you probably feel a swarm of uncomfortable emotions when you consider all the legal hoops you’ll have to jump through to get from Point A to Point B. The good news is you don’t have to go through this alone, and our team of divorce attorneys here at KL Family Law can help guide you through every step of the process. To schedule your free consultation, give us a call today at 714-372-2217.

1. Women Financially Suffer More During Divorces Than Men

We’ll be honest: there is a kernel of truth in this myth. Statistically, women are likely to suffer more financial hardships in the immediate aftermath of a divorce. This is traditionally owed to women’s lower earning potential and not the divorce itself. However, there is one important distinction that swiftly debunks this theory. Studies show that five years after the divorce, women’s average household income numbers are slightly higher than those of their ex-husband. A woman’s income numbers typically jump after the woman remarries and once again finds herself in a stable financial situation. Additionally, women are generally more satisfied with their divorce outcome over the long term when compared to men.

2. Prenups Protect the Rich Spouse Only

Prenuptial agreements should be constructed with both spouses’ best interests in mind. An honest, experienced divorce attorney will help you do just that, so you really shouldn’t have to worry about suffering any unintended consequences later on if you get divorced.

If you do discover later on that your prenup is unfair, though, then the court will likely not enforce it. The biggest benefit of a prenup is deciding ahead of time how your property and assets will be split in a divorce proceeding. It’s usually much easier to create fair agreements for a prenup because, well, you and your soon-to-be spouse still love each other. This makes for much swifter and fairer property and asset division, as you won’t resent each other.

3. California Is an Entirely ‘No-Fault’ Divorce State

California is unique in that it’s one of the states where you can file for divorce without any faults present, hence the term ‘no-fault’ divorce. There are two grounds for eligibility when filing for a no-fault divorce in California: “(a) irreconcilable differences, which have caused the irremediable breakdown of the marriage, or (b) permanent legal incapacity to make decisions.” Most no-fault divorces fall under the first category, irreconcilable differences.

But what if you file for a no-fault divorce and discover that your spouse is at fault for something after all? It’s highly likely that the judge presiding over your divorce proceeding will take this into consideration when constructing a property or asset distribution scheme, especially if community property was used, spent, or exchanged during the event that placed the offending spouse at fault.

How KL Family Law Can Help You

Let’s face it: divorce isn’t fun. For the uninitiated, it can be pretty intimidating, too, as there’s a lot of false information about divorce proceedings circulating out there. Fortunately, KL Family Law can set the record straight for you. Attorney Kim Lynn Hoang brings her signature blend of legal know-how and compassion to every client meeting and court hearing, and we’d love for you to be our next success story. Call 714-372-2217 today to learn more about how we can best assist you.







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KL Family Law

At KL Family Law, we understand that your primary concern is the well-being of your children. We strive to offer tailored solutions for your family law needs and help you move forward through this difficult transition.

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